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Peppermint Floral Water

Peppermint Floral Water


Origin: Australia
产地: 澳大利亚

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{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
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Peppermint (Mentha Piperata) is cooling, antiseptic and useful on burns and sunburn. Ideal for summer time use or for use when you are hot and bothered. It is a wonderful cooling action and is perfect for use on sunburn. Peppermint makes an ideal floral water in itself, refreshing and cooling on application to the skin. Suitable for dry, irritated, acne skin.


It is ideal for sunburn and spraying can help to keep gnats and flies away, so making it perfect for summer use.


The cooling action is useful as a spray after exercise and the natural antiseptic properties will help to kill bacteria in the skin, helping to keep your skin looking healthy and vibrant.


•Known for its uplifting mind-stimulating properties and for help with concentration.

•May help combat itching and offer relief from bites and stings.

•Add to a bath to relieve sore muscle aches and pains.

•Spritz on body in hot weather or when tired.

•May be used as an aroma body spray.


 Properties: Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, calming for digestion, stimulating, anti-bacterial, cooling Indications: lack of focus, acne, redness of skin, bites and stings, stomach upset


Applications: Facial toner for red, acne skin; bites and stings; sore muscle pains; add to foot bath for cooling and soothing sore feet; add to hot water to cooling effect; add to cold water for warming effect; spray on abdomen to calm upset stomach


薄荷纯露含有丰富氧化物,适合毛孔堵塞,皮肤没有精神,毛 孔粗大,油脂分泌旺盛的皮肤! 


薄荷的特点就是味道清新,能促进细胞再生,柔软皮肤,平衡 油脂分泌,清洁皮肤,消毒抗菌,避免感染,促进青春痘和小 伤口迅速愈合,防止留下疤痕,并能保湿、收敛毛孔,特殊清 凉感觉,非常适合用于调理易生粉刺或毛孔粗大的肌肤。对发 痒,发炎,灼伤的皮肤有缓解的功效。 


收敛, 清凉解热,刺激活化微循环系统,抗病毒。发炎的青春 痘,刮胡子后红肿疼痛,扩散的红斑, 循环不良且暗淡的皮肤, 皮肤瘙痒, 寻麻疹。

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