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Tea Tree Hydrosol

Tea Tree Hydrosol


Origin: Australia
产地: 澳大利亚

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The leaves of tea tree (Melaleucaalternifolia) are steam distilled in order to derive a hydrosol with intense healing capabilities.


1. Astringent

Many people enjoy using tea tree hydrosol as Facial Toner Spritz. Spray tea tree hydrosol is an easy and quick way to quenchy our dry skin and refresh your face during midday. Its astringent property making it perfect for toning, tightening, reducing large pores as well as reducing oil excess on the skin. This will combat the acne and prevent it from breaking out the more. After Wax Spray, it helps to take down any redness after waxing (or shaving) and soothe the skin.


2. Antibacterial

Tea tree hydrosol can combat strains of bacteria making it an antibacterial agent. Flea retardant for Pets as a spray for prevent fleas or even as an anti-bacterial on paws, you can also add to their wash or rinse water. Spray after every use to keep them bacteria free as makeup brush disinfectant.


3. Anti-inflammatory

Tea tree is known to help with problematic skin, especially for redness and inflammation to help promote clear, healthy skin!


4. Disinfectant/Anti-septic

It can be used to wash wounds. Likewise, use tea tree hydrosol to clear, eczema or psoriasis and acne. a great wound spray for any cuts and scratches to prevent infection. Spray after every use to keep them bacteria free as makeup brush disinfectant.


5. Healthy hair

It can fight dandruff, scalp inflammation, fungus and mal-odor with tea tree hydrosol. In turn, this will greatly reduce hair fall and boost growth. It also prevents itchiness from dry scalp and gives great relief while the anti-inflammatory properties soothe and reduce redness.



茶树纯露是一种天然的抗菌消炎剂,具有非常强的杀菌、消 炎、收敛、调节油脂分泌及治疗暗疮并预防暗疮产生促进皮肤再生的功效。茶树纯露非常适合油性、暗疮型皮肤使用。 可以治疗粉刺、皮炎、湿疹、痤疮等症状。长期使用茶树纯露的话能够改善油性肌肤和暗疮性肤质,能够充分的调节皮肤 PH 值, 进而帮助控制油脂的分泌。具有祛除痘印、收缩毛孔、平衡油脂的分泌、抑制痘痘的生长、消除闭合型粉刺等。它也有助于在打蜡(或剃须)后消除任何发红并舒缓皮肤。


消毒的能手:外出的时候建议备上瓶茶树纯露,任何时候想消 毒了,都可以喷起来,对于一般的细菌,茶树纯露是可以轻松 搞定的。


健康的头发:茶树纯露对抗头皮屑、头皮发炎、真菌和异味。 这将大大减少头发掉落并促进生长。它还可以防止头皮干燥引 起的瘙痒,并提供极大的缓解,同时抗炎特性可以舒缓和减少发红。


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  • FPX
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